Scuba Diving Basics:
Information to Get You Started and On Your Way to Certification

I am glad you found your way to this page since it must mean you are interested in scuba diving. I absolutely love the sport (as you can tell by this site :)) and I certainly hope you will too.

It is an interesting, fun and sometimes adrenaline pumping sport.

What's not to love?

Of course, it may seem a bit intimidating at first, after all breathing underwater isn't natural, but it soon becomes second nature.

And I am betting you will love all the new things you discover once you get down there.

So let's get started on introducing you to the underwater world.

Here you'll find all the scuba diving basics you need to introduce you to the sport and become familiar with everything it involves.

Basics of Scuba Diving

Let's start at the beginning - "What does scuba stand for?" Our page answers the question and gives you a brief history on modern scuba. We will quiz you on it later.

Our next step is to define "What is scuba diving exactly?" Here you will find an introduction to the sport and an explanation of what you do while scuba diving so you get a feel for the sport.

We also have lots of information on scuba diving certification and diving lessons. This is where you get all the nitty gritty of what you need to do to get certified.

So no, you can't just go out and strap a tank to your back. You need to be safe and get certified first. It is not that hard - I promise.

Of course, the next question will probably be how much does it cost to go scuba diving? You might not want to hear the answer but I give it to you anyway!

We also have lots of information on all that equipment you will be needing to go diving. I give you an explanation of scuba gear here and also have equipment information and scuba diving gear guides to get you started.

But don't worry, you don't have to purchase anything. All dive shops have rental equipment you can use. It is better to make sure you will continue diving before you make any major purchases.

Also check out our scuba diving glossary page for scuba diving basics terms. It's a great primer on the lingo of the sport.

General Dive Information

Once you get those scuba diving basics down pat, if you are curious, we have more general information on scuba diving so you can get to know the sport even better.

These pages may be of interest to you:

Our Picks For Best Scuba Diving Websites
On this page we give you our list of the dive websites we keep returning to. We list our Top 10 scuba websites and what we like about them. See if you agree.

History of Scuba Diving
Have you ever wondered how people started diving to begin with? It's an interesting story and goes way back, believe it or not. And we can be thankful for these people or else we wouldn't be having a blast underwater today.

Scuba diver on coral filled wall.

How Many People Scuba Dive
The number is quite impresssive and rest assured you are far from alone in your desire to get underwater.

Sharks and Scuba Diving
It is a fear many divers and would be divers have. What if I see a shark? Will it attack me? You can find out more info here - and if the fears are warranted. I also discuss my first shark encounter.

Famous Scuba Divers
There are quite a few out there. Find out who you are keeping company with - from Tiger Woods to Bill Gates, we are in good company. A fun scuba diving basics fact.

Women And Scuba Diving
We also have a special section dedicated to answering the issues that affect women in particular. Find out about diving and pregnancy, menstruation, etc.

Frequently Asked Scuba Diving Questions
In addition to some of the above questions, I answer more questions about scuba diving on this page. You can read questions from other readers or ask your own question, on our Q&A scuba information page.

Hopefully these scuba diving basics have answered your preliminary questions about diving. We have lots of pages on this site so take a look around.

Have fun and we will see you underwater.

 Want to stay down longer and improve your buoyancy control and other diving skills? Our free report "Increase Your Bottom Time" along with our practical, weekly actionable tips will have you looking like a seasoned diver in no time. So come join us and see improvement on your very next dive!
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