Share Your Scuba Dive Stories and Opinions

It's Fun, Easy, and You Can Win a $50 Gift Certificate

You've read many of our scuba dive stories and opinions. Maybe you've agreed with them and maybe you haven't. Now you can get it off your chest. Share YOUR scuba dive stories, tips, tricks, photos, videos and anything else with us. All of the scuba divers out there would love to hear about your experiences and opinions and see those great photos or videos.

So jump in and tell us what dive resort should we avoid like the plague or what about that great divemaster that would make his mama proud? Perhaps you have a piece of dive equipment that was piece of junk - you can let your steam off here.

Maybe you take wonderful dive photos (I'm jealous) or videos. You can share them here. What was the most outrageous thing you've ever seen another diver do? I'd love to hear it. Always entertaining.

Whatever floats your boat. Let us hear all about your diving experiences. We can create a great, free resource for all divers. And you can win prizes with your submission.

Join Our Contest!

We have an ongoing scuba contest. The prize is a $50 Amazon Gift Certificate. All you have to do is share your scuba diving story, photo, tip, etc.

We will run a new contest every quarter so you have lots of chances to win.

Maybe it's your turn next.

Our current winner is Ewald for his story about scuba diving with turtles. Congratulations Ewald, your prize is on the way.

Our last winner was Deb Davis from Largo, Florida for her story about a surprise dive with manatees.

Past winners for their scuba dive stories include:

Elias Karam from Montreal, Canada for his story and great photos of diving on a WWII Anti-submarine ship in Tripoli, Lebanon.

Kathy Nelson of Washington, MI for her story about her liveaboard dive experience in Australia.

Emilyn Monroe of Malaysia for her story about her Embarassing First Open Water Certification Dive and

Pam Wood of Santa Cruz, California for her story and photo about Diving with Lemon and Tiger Sharks in the Bahamas.

You can submit as many times as you like. So let's get started.

We will pick the best entry received and post the winners here. (Make sure you set the notification option so I can contact you if you have won).

Just pick from a category listed below and let loose with your story. We can't wait to read them.

It's easy to do, no registration required. So jump in and tell us about your scuba diving experiences. We can't wait to read them.

Have fun with it and good luck and good diving!

Thanks for sharing your scuba dive stories. All your submission will be converted into its' own webpage so you can let your friends and family know. Thanks again and good luck!

Share Your Scuba Diving Story. We Want to Hear It.

If your scuba diving story, tip, etc. doesn't fit into any of the categories above, you can share it here.

We can't wait to read it. Thanks for sharing.

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Your Scuba Dive Stories

Read scuba dive stories by fellow divers and get a few laughs (or shed a few tears). Just click on the links below.

Surviving Panic While Scuba Diving 
Hello, my name is Rick. I learned to dive in the late 1980’s as part of a community college program. I have been asked to share two “war stories” about …

A Breathtaking Dive 
The first time I ever visited Gilboa, Ohio I was a young teenager, eager to set foot into the depths of the lukewarm quarry waters. I was more excited …

Near Death Scuba Dive Experience With A Hookah System 
Hi world wide dive family, I am back from PNG trip and had 35 days of heavenly fun--among which I explored long forgotten wrecks and dive sites, and …

My First Night Dive: A Scuba Diving Experience 
I stepped out into the black void and was met with a feeling of falling. I am aware of my own breaths as the compressed air from the 80cf tank which is …

Scuba Diving With Turtles At Shaab Abu Dabab, Egypt 
A year ago I was in Marsa Shagra (Egypt) for a nice weeklong holiday with the club. We were at the Ecolodge Villages where you can sleep in tents at the …

Scuba Diving Safety: Do You Need Dive Guides? 
My dive partner and I planned a fantastic dive trip to Florida. We planned what dive company we would dive with and places to stay. We watched YouTube …

Doreen's Story: Scuba Diving With A Disability 
More than thirty years ago, I started to show the first symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis. Over the years my illness has progressively gotten worse, making …

New Scuba Diver Conquers Fear Of Diving 
Hi, my name is Ashleigh. A few months ago I was CERTAIN that I would never take up scuba diving. My parents have been diving for a few years now and …

The Bubble Watcher at Alexander Springs, Florida 
My friend is going scuba diving down in Fort Lauderdale in about 2 weeks. That is all she thinks about. She is a certified scuba diver. It feels like …

Embarassing First Open Water Certification Dive 
Hi, I thought I might share my first Open Water Dive experience with you. I find it highly hilarious (now) but back then I was mortified! I took my …

Newly Certified at 52: Cold and Clear 
The attached photo is the first dive I took with my son, Greg after getting certified at the age of 52. By the way he was the one that convinced me that …

Took 20 Years To Get My Scuba Diving Certification! Not rated yet
I first tried to get certified when I was 20 years old, and absolutely hated the first skills (mask flooding!) but felt lucky to find out that I was pregnant …

MARINE LIFE FACTS  Not rated yet
Over 30,000 different species of marine life populate the 75% of oceans and seas covering our planet, and these are just the ones we’re aware of. Some …

Scuba Diving Success For Disabled Man Not rated yet
“Josh should be very proud of achieving his sports diver qualification.” Mary Tetley, the chief executive of British Sub Aqua Club (BSAC), the national …

When Scuba Diving In The Caribbean - You Need A Passport To Get Home! Not rated yet
We always use the hotel safe when traveling on dive trips - in fact, we even stick our dive computers in there when we leave the room - so I am not sure …

My Scuba Diving Story: STUPID, STUPID, STUPID! Not rated yet
FIRST INTRODUCTORY SCUBA DIVE on the Great Barrier Reef. Whilst Instructor is taking time to calm down a newby scardy diver, I thought I would just …

Shark Feeding In Shark Junction, Grand Bahama Not rated yet
I have dove the Shark Junction site in Grand Bahama over 20 times and it is a very safe dive as long as there is no feeding or chumming going on. …

Shark Feeding Dive with Stuart Cove in Nassau, Bahamas Not rated yet
In 2006 on Christmas Day mid-afternoon I did the Stuart Cove shark feeding dive. It was great and scary at the same time, considering I had only gotten …

Opinions On Shark Feeding Dives Not rated yet
How smart is it to train sharks to associate food with divers? It is obvious that they are learning that association by the warnings when you are on a …

Scuba Diving To Recover A Wedding Ring Not rated yet
Back in the 1990's I worked for a time share company in southern Florida and we had a lot of sales contests. One of the perks our resort had was a yacht …

My Advanced Open Water Certification Dive: The Good, The Bad - Well I Passed! Not rated yet
This is a good example for planning, backup and always expect the unexpected to happen. I was taking my Advanced Open Water dive off the Cape Fear River …

Scuba Diving In The Red Sea; Incredible Dive Certification Spot Not rated yet
As an archaeology student, I was always intrigued by the field of underwater archaeology. Even though I had read books and even took a course on underwater …

Scuba Diving In Bidong: Unfound Jewel In Malaysia; Plus Antigua Diving Review Not rated yet
I just returned from Sipadan which was as billed - but the highlight of our trip was Bidong in Kuala Terranganu with SEA MONKIES. I only had 2 days. …

Discover Scuba Diving Resort Course Not rated yet
Hi, I am from Argentina and I recently went to Playa del Carmen, Mexico. I had my Discover Scuba Diving Experience there and it was awesome!!! …

Click here to write your own.

Scuba Diving in Roatan, Honduras Not rated yet
Hi! I am an American, currently living in Cozumel, Mexico and just got back from 3 months on Roatan, Honduras where I completed my divemaster certification. …

Received My Scuba Diving Certification In Cozumel Not rated yet
Hi Smiles! I love your site and was practically memorizing it prior to my Cozumel trip...I NOW KNOW WHY you call it Smiles! I have had a great big smile …

Botched First Open Water Certification Dive Not rated yet
Thanks for your story! Note from webmaster: Anonymous commented on this story about another first open water dive . I moved her submission so she

Scuba Diving For A Lobster Dinner Fit For A Queen Not rated yet
A thrill is exactly what I was in for that day!  I proudly donned my brand new, beautiful BCD especially made for a woman's figure. I was queen for …

Diving With Lemon And Tiger Sharks In The Bahamas Not rated yet
I went scuba diving with lemon and tiger sharks in the Bahamas. I love Sharks! A graceful and majestic animal. I know what the majority of you are …

Click here to write your own.

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