Newly Certified at 52: Cold and Clear

by Gloria Rivera
(Garland TX)

The attached photo is the first dive I took with my son, Greg after getting certified at the age of 52. By the way he was the one that convinced me that I could dive.

We went to Morrison Springs FL, and since I'd never dove in anything except a small lake in Texas and a swimming pool this was quite exhilarating.

Burrrrrrr and crystal clear were the two thoughts I had when going down for my first official dive. It sure was pretty.

Gloria Rivera

Hi Gloria,

Thanks for your story and congratulations on getting certified at 52. I think that is wonderful. I wish you many more great dives.


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Never too old to dive!
by: Pam

I love this page! I thought I was the only one who's taken up diving at a rather elderly age. I was actually certified when I was about 30 but never dived after that. When we moved to Roatan, a friend talked me into trying it again. I didn't even know what a BCD was! But once again I was hooked - my age? 67. I can't tell you how wonderful it is to get gentle exercise and see fabulous things on every dive. I would encourage anyone who lives anywhere near the water to at least give it a try. You will be amazed at what it does for your mind and body.

Back in the game
by: Dave

Got certified in 2011 at 59. Was sick for several years,got myself healthy and I was ready to go. No need to sit on the sidelines and wait to get old. Make age catch up to you.

Try Everything
by: TOM in CA

First dove at age 27 for a short time and not again until 2005 at age 55. Been every year since. And to prove you're never too old, after a 32 year break, I started skydiving again at age 61!

Never too old to dive
by: Jeff

I was certified at age 64, 2 years ago. Was diving at St. Croix in the USVI two weeks ago and did two dives last week off Cooper Island in the BVI. Plan to dive the Rhone off Salt Island in the BVI this week. Did a week live aboard with Blackbeard in the Bahamas last year. More retirees should take up diving instead of traveling in a tour bus. A healthy mind helps you to a healthy body.

Age is no obstacle
by: Justine

Congratulations on getting certified at the decrepit old age of 52. I allow myself that bit of humor because I am soon to be certified at the age of 68.

When I first contemplated diving, I worried about my age (then 66) but saw other members in the club over 50 and 60, and found that encouraging. In addition, famous German documentary film maker Leni Riefenstahl dove in her 90s!! As long as you can lift the tank, you can dive!

Quit kidding
by: Uncle John Van

Aw, C'mon, you'r not 52 yet!

Way Cool!
by: Tennie

Now come up here and go skiing! Bring dinner home tonight on a spear!


by: Cousin Mike

Although my certification LONG ago expired, I too dove Morrison Springs when I was 15 years old.

Congrats Gloria!

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