10 Best Scuba Diving Websites
Worth Diving Into:
Updated for 2019

There are a ton of scuba diving websites out there. Including ours, of course.

But let's face it, there is alot of junk out there too.

We have visited more scuba diving websites than we care to count. However, there are some that stand out above the rest. Whether they are educational based or more focused on leisure time fun, they draw you in and have you reading one article after another.

I have updated this list for 2019. Some websites were no longer being updated so some new sites took their place. However, most of the ones below have stood the test of time and still deserve our vote for one of the best scuba diving websites out there. Hope you enjoy them!

So, in no particular order, here is our take on what dive websites are worth diving into:

Having fun after scuba diving in Bonaire.

The Best Scuba Diving Websites for 2019


This is the official website for Dive Training magazine which is an education-based publication focusing on new divers and divers in various levels of training.

Their website is chock full of information and contains hundreds of articles on all aspects of diving and marine life. You do not have to be a subscriber to access this information and the articles are free.

If you are anything like me, you can get lost for hours here going through all the articles and photos.

Highlights of this website include their library of articles and their section on underwater photography. Just take a look at these amazing photos from one of their pages. Makes me want to go diving right now.

Current recreational scuba diving students can receive a complimentary 6 month subscription (instructions on their website to get free subscription).


This is the online scuba magazine of the dive gear retailer LeisurePro. They publish what they call the Daily Reel (although it isn't published every day) with up to date scuba related stories. It also has a diving news from around the world section.

The stories are usually short and to the point so it won't take long for you to keep up on what is going on in the diving world. I subscribe to them via email and follow them on twitter. I find most of the stories interesting and/or helpful and it is an easy way to keep up to date. (For full disclosure, I am an affiliate for LP but these are not affiliate links.)

They also run regular raffles and giveaways you can enter for free. Hey, you never know.


Also known as DAN, this is a well known nonprofit scuba diving and dive safety association. While they are best know for offering divers insurance (I have insurance through DAN), their website hosts a wealth of information on scuba diving safety and related subjects.

Especially helpful is their Medical FAQ page which answers just about any question you may have regarding a medical condition and diving (heart, diabetes, aging, barotrauma, decompression illness, fitness, eyes, plastic surgery - to just name a few).

If you have a question about a medical condition and diving, this is the place to look for answers (besides you own doctor, of course).

Getting ready to go scuba diving in Bonaire.


This is an monthly online scuba magazine that has tons of information on diving and dive travel. While you have to be subscriber to access all the information, there is still alot of information available for free.

They do not accept any advertising and I have subscribed to them for many years (including many years when it was a print publication). I think it is a truly unbiased source of information including reviews of dive sites, operators, resorts, etc. I did let my subscription lapse for a little while but I had to go back because I missed receiving the publication. I will be a subscriber for life.

A big focus of the site and magazine is dive travel and reviews and since I travel to dive, this holds a big appeal for me. If you are like me, it is definitely worth checking out.

Dive Links
OK, not quite a scuba diving website per se, but this is an incredible resource put out by Larry Harris, the diving safety coordinator at the University of Michigan. It contains hundreds, if not thousands, of categorized links to every dive subject imaginable. While it hasn't been updated in a while now (2017 according to the site), the links are still a great resource. I can only say it has to be a project of love.

Whatever category or subject you want to know about related to diving, you are sure to find a link to information here.

As if that isn't enough, Mr. Harris also hosts Diving Myths and Realities. This page contains articles covering many different subjects and includes a section entitled “War Stories” which are short stories used as teaching example: http://www.mindspring.com/~divegeek/home.htm

These two sources are a veritable goldmine of diving information.


This is probably the most active forum on scuba diving around. It has a section on just about anything you want to know about relating to scuba diving.

There are sections for beginner, advanced, technical and professional divers. As a sampling, you will find dive reviews from forum members, a place to ask questions of scuba gear manufacturers, a free classifieds marketplace to buy, a place to sell and trade gear, a "hot deals" section from manufactures, a thread on scuba related court cases and much more.

This is in addition to all the "normal" information you would expect to find on a scuba diving forum such as threads on diving equipment, underwater photography and dive destinations.

In fact, years ago we were scheduled to go on a liveaboard dive boat in the Bahamas. About a week before we were to leave, I was reading through the forums while at work (what else am I supposed to be doing at work? :)) and discovered that the boat we were scheduled to go on had had an accident. It was out of commission and wouldn't be making our trip. I called the company and sure enough, it was true. On to Plan B.

If it is happening in the scuba diving world, someone is probably talking about it on scubaboard.


I keep finding myself back on this scuba diving website. Plus I love their logo.

Probably the most useful sections are "New to Scuba" and "Resources." They have informative and well written articles covering a variety of topics and updated regularly. You will also find some great videos and beautiful photos throughout this site.

Nadia, the owner, also runs some awesome dive trips. Expensive but awesome! How about the sardine run in South Africa or swimming with whales in Tonga? Yup, those kinds of trips :)

More fun after scuba diving in Bonaire.


Ok, maybe I am just a sucker for the graphics but I love this site. I think it deserves to keep its place on the list for best scuba diving websites.

This site isn't for everybody as it concentrates on diving information and reviews for Asia, Australia, Red Sea, Maldives and Indian Ocean. However, since I have last  reviewed it, they have added more good general information on spots in the Caribbean, Mexico and other areas. Not many reviews but good knowledge nonetheless. Good for an intro if you can't find it here, LOL.

It also contains some good articles on scuba diving in general. The photos on this site are spectacular (even if he didn't take all of them himself). It reminds you of why we dive. 

Scubadiving.com for dive news

I know what some of your are thinking about scubadiving.com and their industry leading magazine, Scuba Diving. Many divers believe their reviews, etc. are biased towards their advertisers. And I am not here to disagree with you. In fact, I used to subscribe to this magazine for years but stopped it awhile back - so I do not know what the current state of their magazine is.

However, their website is still useful for finding out what is going on around the industry and in diving news. While it may not be the most comprehensive it is still informative with some interesting articles. The rest of the website also has some good articles on a variety of subjects such as gear, travel, training, lessons for life, videos and more. If you read it with a critical eye, there is alot of good information for any diver.

Note: This site didn't make our original recommended list for best scuba diving websites but the sites I used to use for news are no longer being updated. I am still in search of a good news site and I will update it here when - and if - I find it. If anyone has any good sites for dive news, I would love to hear it.


If you are into underwater photography or videography, this is the website for you. It has all the industry news about photo gear, photo contests and more. And they have now reopened their forums. The place to go to discuss, learn, ask questions, show your stuff or more. So all your photographers out there, go check it out and see what you think. Happy shooting!

So there you have it, our take on scuba diving websites that are worth your time. Hopefully you will find some on this list that will interest you and keep you entertained and/or informed.

Because if we can't be scuba diving, we may as well be reading about it, right?

How about you? Do you have some scuba diving websites you keep on going back to? Please share it with us - we would love to check them out. Please leave your favorites in the comment section below.

best scuba diving websites graphic

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