Scuba Diving Facts :
What Fact About Scuba Diving Do You Want to Know?

Scuba diving facts - there are a heck of alot out there. Some interesting, some not so interesting.

scuba diving facts-scuba diver

I will try and answer the most common questions that usually come up when discussing scuba diving. With all the interesting facts about scuba diving, you'll be able to hold your own trivia contest! Only kidding. If there is anything that I left out and you want to know, just contact me and I will do my best to answer it. Here goes:

What Does Scuba Stand For?

What Does Scuba Mean?

We will start with the basics. To read my page about what does scuba stand for and the history of the word, click on the link.

"What does scuba mean?" is also a commonly heard question, similar to "what does scuba stand for?". I usually answer it the same as above. If I think someone is trying to get at what a scuba diver actually does, I will answer it like the following question:

What is Scuba Diving?

What is Scuba Diving? gets to the heart of what a scuba diver does. Basically scuba diving is going underwater and being able to breathe. It is that simple. You have a tank of compressed air on your back and you breathe the air in through a regulator. For a complete explanation of scuba diving, click on the link above.

How Does Scuba Gear Work?

This is one fact about scuba diving that most people are most curious about. Afterall, how can a person go underwater and stay under for so long and not get hurt.

I think enough people want to know how scuba gear works that I wrote a page to explain scuba gear. Hopefully, that will answer your question. If not, let me know and I'll try and answer your question more fully on the scuba diving facts page.

Who Invented Scuba Gear?

As discussed above, the invention of the modern scuba gear system is credited to Jacques Cousteau and Emile Gagnan. Their invention allows divers to breathe from a tank of air on their back and exhale it into the water. For more about the history of the sport and its inventors, click here. More scuba diving facts:

How Deep can Scuba Divers Go?

One of the most important scuba diving facts for people thinking about the sport. The max limit for recreational scuba divers is 130 feet. However, that doesn't mean you should go that deep.

Once you approach the 100 foot mark, you run the risk of nitrogen narcosis. You should have additional training and experience to dive deeper than 100 feet. Beginner divers are probably best advised to stay at 60 feet or above until they become more comfortable and gain more experience. Technical divers can dive much deeper than 100 feet, but that's a whole 'nother can of worms.

How Many People Scuba Dive?

Yes, you would think this is an easy question to answer. I know I did when I started researching this question. Well, it is certainly not cut and tried. Read what I found out and my answer to the question "How many people scuba dive?" .

What is the Cost of Scuba Diving?

This is one of those scuba diving facts that can vary widely. Depending on what island you go to and what dive operator you use, the cost can be very different. Nevertheless, here is my best estimate of the cost of scuba diving.

How Many Scuba Diving Deaths

It is a fact of life. Every year some people die while scuba diving.

Not something we like to think about but like any sport, scuba diving has its risks. I did research to find out the answer to this question. Read my answer to how many scuba diving deaths there are per year here

Hopefully this has answered most of your questions. If you have any other scuba diving facts that you would like to know, just contact me. I'll do my best to answer them.

Here's to great scuba diving!

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