Don't Cut Your Dive Short!
How To Use Less Air Scuba Diving:

3 Easy Tips For Beginner Divers

Follow these 3 quick and easy tips to use less air scuba diving and to help make that dive last longer. When we first start diving that air goes down pretty quickly. It is normal so don't stress out about it. However, there are some things you can do on your very next dive to start to see an improvement in your air consumption.

So on your next dive, think about these tips and try to implement them to make that air (and dive!) last longer. While it may take time to perfect these skills, remember that you will be making progress with each dive. It will come so relax and enjoy the dive!

Transcript: How To Use Less Air Scuba Diving

How to use less air scuba diving

So they are on your, dive looking at your pressure gauge and you start to feel nervous that air is going down pretty quickly. Uh oh, you think, am I the one that's going to have to cut this dive short. Hi, welcome back. If you're new to this channel, I'm Dianne and I run the website, scuba diving, And this channel is all about sharing tips, tricks and techniques for beginning divers, so they can improve their dive skills and have less stress and more fun on the very next dive.

So let's jump right in. I'll share with you three easy. tips to use less air? I use all of these tips and probably don't use number three the most when I first started diving. And that first tip to conserve air while you're diving is to stop moving. Why? Because more movement equals more air use. And it really is that simple.

You don't want to be the Energizer buddy down there. Just remember you want to use the minimum amount of movement. Now I know when you first start diving, you can be fidgeting down there. You're going to be playing with your BC. You're making all these types of movements and that's perfectly normal. All new divers do it, but on your next dive, I want you to be aware of your movement at all times.

And when you find yourself making unnecessary movements, stop, remember less movement equals less air used and even though it seems very simple, you will be amazed at the difference it does make. So on your next dive think to yourself, am I being the image or as a buddy, or am I being. So before we get onto tip number two, tell me, have you ever worried yourself about having to cut a dive short or have you cut a dive short in your dive career? Tell me in the comments below. I'd love to hear your experience.

So my tip number two, for how to save air while scuba diving for this tip. I just want you to remember three words. That's right. Three words. Be the torpedo. Yes. Be the torpedo. I just think of what a torpedo it looks like. It's nice and sleek.

There's nothing dangling nice and streamlined. And that's what we want our profile to look like when we're underwater. So it's like anything that is dangling and engaged. Is there anything clip it to your business? Put any assessor is you're not using into your BC pocket or clip it onto your BC or even better if you're not using it and you don't need it, don't even take it on the dive with you, especially where we're beginner, divers less really is more.

Obviously you want the important things, but any of those accessories that aren't a hundred percent necessary. Leave them at home that way. It'll be nice and streamline. If you're a streamlined underwater, that means you're going to have less resistance on the water and less resistance means less air.

And as an added bonus, that expensive equipment, isn't going to be hitting a Reed for hitting something else and getting damaged. So that way we're going to save the equipment or are you gonna save the reef and we're going to save some air and what can be better than that? That's what we're here for.

Right? So the next time you go on a dive, I want you to remember those three words, be the torpedo, be the torpedo, and that should help you with your air consumption on your very next. And that brings us to easy tip number three on how to save air while scuba diving. And I used to use this tactic. When I first started diving, I look at my pressure gauge and I was like, oh, am I not going to make it to the end of the dive?

I didn't want to have to cut the dive short. And of course that does nothing to help me to relax or just makes you more nervous and use up more air. So what did I do? I went shallower. So as we all learned in certification, The shallow, we are the less air we'll use. How many people use this tactic, me included as I just told you.

So next time, when do you think your air consumption is going a little bit too fast for comfort? Just rise up, go a little bit shallow or stay with instead of a dive group, of course. And your dive buddy and conditions allowing of course, and that way of air consumption will decrease. And if you want more quick and easy tips on how to you less air while you're scuba diving, click on this video right here, where I share some more air consumption tips with you. I will also link to the video in the description below the meantime, happy and safe diving.

So that's it. Three quick tips on how to use less air scuba diving. I hope it helps you and you are able to stay down longer on your very next dive! Please let me know in the comments below if you think these tips will help you use less air scuba diving.

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