Scuba Tips For Beginners:
Gross Facts About Scuba Diving - Part 2

They Don't Teach You This In Certification Class!

This video of scuba tips for beginners is Part 2 of my series: Gross Facts About Scuba Diving (a link to Part 1 is below the video). As I say in the video, diving is not all manta rays and whale sharks! There are some unpleasant facts about diving that are a reality but we just have to deal with it - because we all want to go diving, right?

This is not to turn anyone off - but just to let you know what you may encounter as you are beginning your scuba diving career. I have seen all of these and as you continue diving, you just may too!

It was a fun video to make and I hope you enjoy it. Please excuse my use (perhaps overuse?) of a certain emoji :). 

You can watch Part 1 of Gross Diving Truths here

Scuba Tips For Beginners Video

Transcript: Scuba Tips For Beginners (and more info)

Okay. I blew it. When I made this video right here, I forgot some common gross facts about scuba diving. And you guys let me know it. So I'm here to do part two, because as I said, it's not all manta rays and whale sharks when you go diving. Hi, I'm Dianne from

Now this first gross facts gives me the heebie jeebies just thinking about it because it happened to me. But this will not happen all over because of regulations. And it will also depend on how your boat is outfitted. So if you are on a boat that has a Marine head, this could happen to you. Now, when I say Marine head, that means when someone goes in to relieve themselves in the toilet, that stuff will go directly into the water.

So what do you think's gonna happen when someone flushes the head and you are under the boat hanging out at your 15 foot safety stop? And then a little present can go floating by. Oh, I remember when I saw it, I was like, oh God, you just want - you scream in your regulator, at least I know I did.

So if you see a little present coming your way, get the heck out of the way. And maybe just a little suggestion here. If you are on this type of boat with the Marine head and you can hopefully hold it until all the other divers are out of the water, trust me, they will appreciate it. Of course, sometimes it may not be an option, but if there's any way you can hold that while there are divers in the water please do.

And while reading about some of these incidents, you can imagine what will happen if a diver has to relieve himself and there is no head on the boat. You're on a smaller boat. I won't go into detail, but I swear some of those pictures I saw have harmed me for life. And if that does happen to you, just make sure you're up current from them because you don't want that little present coming right at you.

Now I know some of these scuba tips for beginners are unpleasant, but it is a fact of diving. So let's get on to gross fact number two. Now this one is much more common and I have seen it numerous times. And that is seasickness. Now, when I first started diving, I was amazed at how many divers really do get seasick.

And sometimes it happens if, when you're on the boat and the water's calm, some people just can't even handle any of that motion. And all bets are off if you're on a rough boat ride. So inevitably sometime during your diving career, you're gonna see some poor diver - and hopefully it's not you - hanging over the side and throwing up. Now, I don't know about you, but when I see and hear that my stomach itself gets queasy. And I don't get seasick at all, knock on wood. But you really do feel for this poor diver.

And an experienced tip here. If you see someone start to get queasy, usually you can tell pretty quickly, just make sure you are upwind of that person. Because if for some reason they can't get to the stern, or if they're not at the stern or over the side, that stuff's just gonna come, maybe floating a little bit back and on you. And I have seen that happen and that is not a pleasant thing. And you do not wanna be that diver.

So tell me, do you get seasick or have you ever seen someone get seasick while you're on a boat? Please tell me in the comments below. And you can share your gross stories too.

And now the next gross fact about scuba diving that beginning scuba divers may not be aware of is throwing up. And not the throwing up I just talked about. This is a throwing up underwater and through your regulator. Yes, you can throw up underwater. You can throw up through your regulator. And this happens probably more often than you think.

Now I personally have never thrown up through my regulator, thank goodness. But a good friend of mine has. And he also gets seasick. So I think there was a combination of stuff going on that he got sick. And as a beginner scuba diver, you wanna keep that regulator in if you are throwing up. You can throw up through it. It will come out. You can push the purge valve to help it come out.

Because after you throw up, what are you gonna, you're gonna wanna take a gulp of air. So if you take that regulator out to throw up, that's not gonna end well. So keep it in and go through your regulator. And now the only ones happy about throwing up through the regulator are gonna be the fish. Because yes, the fish will come up and eat that. Which is pretty gross in and of itself. So if you are diving, and you suddenly see a lot of fish surrounding the diver ahead of you, a word of advice. Get out of the way.

And actually, when I was reading about all this stuff, I was reading stories where the fish will actually eat that stuff I was talking about in gross fact number one. So a word of advice for all of these gross facts is get out of the way. And I hope it's not you.

So if you missed that first video I did about gross facts about scuba diving and tips for beginning scuba divers you can watch it by clicking on this video right here. And let me know if I forgot any other facts. Maybe I have to do part three. I will also link to the first video in the description below. In the meantime, happy and safe, and less gross diving.

I hope you enjoyed this video of scuba tips for beginners. Click on the link below for Part 1.

You can watch Part 1 of Gross Diving Truths here

Here are some more scuba tips for beginners for you:

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