Scuba Divers Life

by Liying van den Hout
(Zeeuws-Vlaanderen, the netherlands)

It's a beautiful sunny day, birds are singing, colorful flowers pointing their faces towards the sun and a soft warm breeze touching your skin. I'm wondering.. what will we do today?

It's time to fly under the surface of the sea. We are loading all my gear into my car, and drive to our diving spot. after we arrive we can prepare and put together all our gear. Let the air into the regulator. And put it all on.

It's good that my buddy helps me to put my gear on. It's a bit heavy. The 10 L 230 bar scuba tank weighs about 15 kilo with air. Then I need 8 kilo weight to keep me from floating up. And then not to mention my dubbel 7mm wetsuit, vest, regulator and everything else. So that's a lot of weight for just a tiny person... But it's all worth it.

When we have checked each others gear to see if everything functions correctly, then it's time to go climb up those stairs of the seawall and then walk for like 500 meters to get to the water. We finally can go into the water and cool off. Let the air go into our vests so we keep floating. We are now ready to enter the water, put our fins on our feet, set our compass to shore to find our way back.. and then let the air out of our vests to lower us down under the surface. Let the adventure begin!

When we're down and have found our positions, a litle bit above the sea floor. We are carefull not to touch the colorful corals. Because every bit of coral that you may break took hundreds of years to grow. So we try to be careful and treat life in our oceans with respect.

To witness life under water close up, is so amazing. There are thousands of colours, blue, purple, green, pink. You can see every colour in one place. Sometimes I don't even know where to look, because there are so many fish swimming in groups, swimming alone, big fish hunting the smaller fish.

Fish that are curious and come to look at those weird big bubble blowing creatures, Crabs wondering under stones, lobsters walking by and plants floating from left to right. But a scuba diver learns how to see the things that are mostly interesting and hidden. To notice animals that camouflage themselves.

Like an octopus, flounder or cuttlefish. The way they can use their change of colours is amazing. Cuttlefish can flash different colours together to hypnotise their prey and then catch them to eat. Isn't that just weird and totaly amazing.

Being underwater feels like flying in a different world. A world with bright neon colours and amazing creatures. A place without the stress and worry of this world. A place where you feel free. The most peaceful place of the earth.

Underwater you realize that the earth has two worlds. In one we can walk, in one we can fly. In both we can breath and experience. But they both have one important thing in common. You can clearly see Jehovah's mighty hand of creation and love. And that's the only thing that I can think about when I watch that beautifull underwater world.

Unfortunately my tank is running out of air. And it's time to go back to shore and refill for the next dive.

Every diver can describe what it's like to breath and fly underwater. But no one can really understand until they have tried it.

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